Make Sure Your New Trees Thrive

After being planted (carefully), the single most important need of a newly-planted tree is to receive adequate moisture. WATER MUST BE CONCENTRATED ON THE EXISTING ROOTBALL SEASONAL CONSIDERATIONS These recommendations assume the trees are planted correctly into sites with gooddrainage.

Watering newly-planted trees

THE CHALLENGE: When you invest in new trees, you don’t just want them to survive – you want them to thrive. Of course, new trees need water and most short-term problems are linked to inadequate, excessive, or inefficient watering. (See ‘The Critical Importance of Moisture’).  So, how much water should be applied, Read more…

Dr Ed Gilman on the Critical Importance of Moisture

PLANTING AND ESTABLISHMENT OF LARGE LANDSCAPE TREES Our instruction sheet “Make Sure Your New Trees Thrive”  emphasises the critical importance of keeping the rootball moist. Dr. Edward Gilman, the highly-regarded Professor of Environmental Horticulture at the University of Florida, specialises in research concerning nursery production, quality, planting, establishment, watering and pruning of Read more…